Last Saturday, I received my second dose of Covid-19 vaccination. I took the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine. Like the first dose, the whole process was fast and smooth. The only waiting time was the 30 minutes of observation at the vaccination center. However, this time I suffered more side effects than the first injection. For the first injection, I only experienced mild muscle aching. It gone away after 3 to 4 days. Whereas for the second injection, I experienced headache and body aching after vaccination.
The Side Effects
For your information, my vaccination took place in the morning. After the vaccination, I was perfectly fine during the 30 minutes of observation at the vaccination center. However, the side effects started hitting me in the afternoon and I started feeling uneasy. I felt my body aching and I had a mild headache. This side effect continued until night time. I didn’t sleep well that night.
I thought my nightmare was over after a night of sleep. However, this is not the case. I still feel moody in the morning and my headache is not getting better but worse. My whole body is still aching. I suddenly remembered that the assistant at the vaccination center reminded me that I may take 2 tablets of Panadol if I ever feel unwell after vaccination. Actually I don’t want to take the Panadol but I just want to quickly get rid of that lousy feeling. So, I took 2 tablets of Panadol with a big glass of water and then went back to my bed to sleep. I woke up after one hour of sleep and I felt so much better. Although the side effects weren’t entirely gone, at least I can still continue my daily activity.
Alright, that’s all of my personal experience on the second dose of Covid-19 vaccination. Next, I will share with you some important information about Covid-19 vaccination.
What is Covid-19?
I think by now most of you already know what Covid-19 is. Just in case you are still not sure what it is, here is the brief explanation of what is Covid-19. Covid-19 is an infectious disease that can be spread by droplets of saliva or mucus from coughing, sneezing in the air or on surfaces. Symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose or loss of smell or taste.
Covid-19 Vaccine
Currently, there are 2 types of Covid-19 vaccines available in Singapore under the national vaccination programme, Pfizer and Moderna. You can choose the Covid-19 vaccine you want to take by referring to the Ministry of Health’s (MOH’s) website. The full list of vaccination centres and vaccines is available on the website.
What is the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine?
The Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine contains messenger RNA (mRNA) which helps your immune system to produce protective responses and has 95% efficacy against COVID-19. The vaccine consists of 2 doses. The second dose is due in 21 days but can be taken with an interval of up to six to eight weeks apart. You need both doses to have the full vaccine protection, and for the protection to last as long as possible.
What is the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine?
The Moderna Covid-19 vaccine contains messenger RNA (mRNA) which helps your immune system to produce protective responses and has 94% efficacy against COVID-19. The vaccine consists of 2 doses. The second dose is due in 28 days but can be taken with an interval of up to six to eight weeks apart. You need both doses to have the full vaccine protection, and for the protection to last as long as possible.
How to receive vaccination?
Vaccination is free to all Singaporeans and long-term residents in Singapore. Everyone will be invited to be vaccinated progressively. When it is your turn, you will receive a notification to schedule an appointment. Currently, all persons aged 12 and above, starting with Singapore Citizens, can now register for their vaccination at
Can I Receive the Vaccination?
Below is a simple infographic from MOH to give you a glance of if you can receive the Covid-19 vaccination.
Vaccination Data
Below is the vaccination Data from MOH as of 07 June 2021.

Useful Links
Closing Words
There are many news and rumors about the side effects of Covid-19 vaccination. The first question that came into our mind is “Is the vaccine safe?” In Singapore, Covid-19 vaccines approved for pandemic use meet the safety and efficacy standards, with benefits outweighing known risks. Personally, I encourage you to take the vaccination if your medical conditions allow you to do that. Vaccination not only protects our loved ones and the community from Covid-19 but also enables us to resume more activities safely and sooner. Stay safe, stay healthy!
“When you get yourself vaccinated, you are not just protecting yourself. You are also doing your part to protect others, especially your loved ones. The more of us are vaccinated, the harder it will be for the new virus to spread, and the safer we will all be as a society.”
~ Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
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